Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cowboy Fans

This is my husband, Mason and Malorie on game day.
We are as you can tell Dallas Cowboy fans.....................

We are hoping to see the Cowboys in the Superbowl this is long overdue:)

Monday, November 19, 2007


We recently got car seats for the schnauzers to travel in. At first when I heard about a car seat for a dog I had to laugh. My sister in law got one for her dog, and I thought it was the silliest thing.....................HOWEVER I was wrong! It has been the greatest investment. You strap them in and they are safe and cannot move about the car jumping in your lap when you least expect it. A huge hazard when you are driving. is a picture of Malorie and one of Mason enjoying their new seats on our recent trip to Corpus Christi.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Little Man

This is Mason.........he absolutely HATES to have his picture taken! He is the newest edition to the family and the LAST for a while. He is to much fun and sweet as he can be!

The Girls

I have NO idea what I am doing!! My friends have blogs so I thought I would give it a try.
This is Madison and Malorie, my girl schnauzers. My life is pretty dull, but they make it fun. I also have a boy schnauzer Mason................yes I have an M theme going:)