Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Life is Good!!!


Summer Vacation is HERE!!!

Sleeping late, no make-up and getting to go to the bathroom when YOU want!

Life is Good!

Here is a picture of Malorie enjoying her summer. She is watching a squirrel if you can see it.
She sits on a bench in Terry's office and looks out the window at the birds and recently two very brave or stupid squirrels that are digging in the flower beds and hanging on the bird feeder eating the bird seed and tearing up the feeder!
We let her out the door and she chases them across the yard and up the tree!
Good exercise for her and a huge laugh for us!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Relay for Life

Relay for Life is a very moving ceremony that raises money for cancer research. It brings together people from the community that have cancer, fought and beat cancer, or have lost someone to the disease. People can buy luminaries to celebrate loved ones. Luminaries are little white bags that have a candle in them that are lit at some point during the night. It is amazing to see how many people that are effected by this horrible disease.

If you ever have a chance to participate in the Relay for Life I would encourage you to do so. It really is a great experience!
Terry and I were so blessed to be able to walk in the "survivor" lap.
Truly awesome!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Long Overdue has been a long time. I have been lazy about keeping my blog current. I am going to try and do better. is what has been going on in my world.

The battle with cancer for my husband is, for now, (and I pray forever) over. It was a long battle but he fought it with the most courage...............I am glad it is over. Again for now because it it always in the back of your mind. There is something about the month of March for the Baggett's.............last March was the cancer diagnosis..........a totaled truck..............this March foot surgery for me. Fun. There goes Spring Break vacation. We were planning to go to New Mexico.

But with diesel as expensive as it may be cheaper. Although not as fun.

We had a 5th wheel and were starting to go camping but because of all of the stuff last summer with the cancer we did not go much. Just not as fun with that looming over your head.

SO............when we got the great news about him being cancer free we decided to start going and doing more. In making that decision we also decided to get a bigger 5th wheel

The old trailer

The new one!

Talk about night and day difference. The new one is much bigger and we have so much more room.
When traveling with schnauzers it is nice not to have to trip over them all the time.
Anyway we are blessed so blessed!
More pictures later of our trips to follow..........................

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cowboy Fans

This is my husband, Mason and Malorie on game day.
We are as you can tell Dallas Cowboy fans.....................

We are hoping to see the Cowboys in the Superbowl this is long overdue:)

Monday, November 19, 2007


We recently got car seats for the schnauzers to travel in. At first when I heard about a car seat for a dog I had to laugh. My sister in law got one for her dog, and I thought it was the silliest thing.....................HOWEVER I was wrong! It has been the greatest investment. You strap them in and they are safe and cannot move about the car jumping in your lap when you least expect it. A huge hazard when you are driving. is a picture of Malorie and one of Mason enjoying their new seats on our recent trip to Corpus Christi.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Little Man

This is Mason.........he absolutely HATES to have his picture taken! He is the newest edition to the family and the LAST for a while. He is to much fun and sweet as he can be!

The Girls

I have NO idea what I am doing!! My friends have blogs so I thought I would give it a try.
This is Madison and Malorie, my girl schnauzers. My life is pretty dull, but they make it fun. I also have a boy schnauzer Mason................yes I have an M theme going:)